
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday: Band Sprinklers

So, here's a new thing that I've seen on other blogs in variations so I'm going to try it. Every Thursday, I'll post something that kind of really strikes me and just let you enjoy it.

So without further ado, here's the first Thoughtful Thursday.

Thoughtful Thursday

Being in a band is hard enough, I can tell you that without hesitation. Though I can't say much about the people marching, I know that being in the frontline sucks because of all the moving and rolling and you have to guard those instruments with your life. We have had rehearsals where the frontline would stay in the Band Room to practice because it appeared that it was going to rain and they didn't want to get the instruments wet and filled with water and things like that. That's all hard, but this is just crazy hard. This band was in the middle of a competition performance (Yes, this happened during a COMPETITION) when the sprinklers for the field turned on and started spraying everyone. I have to say, I have some serious respect for these guys. That's fantastic that they didn't move or anything as they got pelted with water and they even finished the song with the sprinkler spraying in their faces. WITHOUT BREAKING ATTENTION!! So some serious respect to these guys. If you want to check out the full video you can go here and watch the video.

Also, new information about more ways to follow me. If you look on the sidebar to your right, there's a place where you can put your email and it will automatically email you whenever I post. I'm also setting up a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Those are still in the making, so there's nothing really on them. If you want to, you can come and like and follow me and wait for the improvement.

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So do what you will. Thanks for sticking with me so far. I'll see you next time

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