HEY GUYS! Voting begins for Project Greenflick TODAY! Be sure to vote for my video at THIS LINK and click on the little "Vote" button. This is that video I've been talking about for a while, but I don't know if I ever linked it. (Oops...)
Vote DAILY until October 27th to help me and my group win the Fan Favorite Vote!
Be sure to share it, too! Share it to your Facebook, your Twitter, however you share, share this with all your friends! You guys have no idea how happy it would make us if we won this!
Check it out and vote daily, guys. And if you really want to watch the video because you don't want to "give a free vote to a bad video" (pssh!, weirdo... (Just kidding, love you guys!)) then you can watch it either in the above link or watch it here!
You can watch it in better quality on the OPPD vote page.
Please, guys! Please please please vote! I love you guys and this would mean the world to my group!
I will be talking about my apparent homecoming plan change and more Wednesday! Would do it tomorrow, but there's band rehearsal, so, that won't work...
Okay, bai!